How to take the pressure off Founder/Director Led Sales

How to take the pressure off Founder/Director Led Sales

After identifying how Founder/Directors can solve the problem of falling into being the primary revenue driver of the business in our last blog, ‘Stepping away from Director led Sales’, it’s equally important to build the sales function correctly, moving forward. To...

Stepping Away from Founder / Director Led Sales

Stepping Away from Founder / Director Led Sales

You know that expression ‘Lonely at the top’? Well it especially applies to running a company. A Founder/Director is likely to sacrifice a significant amount of time, sleep and often their social life, to make sure their business stays on track. The job can be tough...

What is a ‘Sales Playbook’ and why you need one

What is a ‘Sales Playbook’ and why you need one

No doubt like me you’re seeing the term ‘Playbook’ appearing in more and more posts ranging from those helping your business to those helping your personal finances. With so much leading sales content originating in the US, I’ve been a regular consumer of such...

How to get Sales back on Track

How to get Sales back on Track

How to get Sales back on track? Is it time to recruit, train, or revaluate your process? When your sales team isn’t performing at the level you want and your growth is failing to meet targets, intuition may say to look and hire an experienced ‘super sales person’ to...

How to build Rapport over Zoom

How to build Rapport over Zoom

In virtual meetings it’s easy to get tunnel-vision. To be hyper-focused on the task at hand, or the ideal result. And this can hinder conversation flow, interest of the other party, and ultimately the lack of rapport. Considering the basics of providing virtual nods...

How to easily build Pitch Confidence for your Salespeople

How to easily build Pitch Confidence for your Salespeople

Be it in sport, a musical instrument, or sales. You practice like you play. Nothing is executed perfectly on the first attempt, and it’s likely hurdles will be faced, learnings will be made, to all soon be overcome. Simply put, sales is always a work in progress. And...

Put your Best Self out there

Put your Best Self out there

It’s been 8 months into a new way of living (dare I say working) and some people are still not showing the best version of them. Adjusting to working from home and holding meetings online has taken time to get right and there have been moments where it has been far...